Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Intento fallido pero que gusta igual.....por lo menos por ahora lo dejo en el blog.....vamos a ver cuanto dura!


J.Crysallis said...

So cute! I love your characters! Great job!

Tina Poe said...

Your raccoons are so adorable!

JO said...

awesome, this is so cute.

Carol H. said...

Nicely done, I wish it was bigger!

Zari said...

Dios mio! intento fallido...???!!! me encantaria fallar asi!...a mi me encantaron, las expresiones estan fenomenales...WAO!

Keszeg Agi said...

Very nice illo.

Paola De Gaudio said...

Coincido con Zari!
Qué buen estilo Mariana! Me encantó encontrarte, seguro volveré!

mariana_traverso said...

thank you people!!!! haha, what i meant with my comment is that basically the poses could have been pushed more...the feet of the toop guy should show more weight standing over the other raccoon....etc..plus.. im not sure if the drawingg in itslef reads well...i dont think so, but that something that you could tell me..
thanks again and till the next drawww

Dan said...

wonderful stuff you got here.

Tracy said...

These guys are adorable! Thanks for sharing :)

andrew said...

hi thanks for your comment, you have some great artwork here...i especially like your digital painting of the sitting girl in the red dress